Vicars Cross 2007

1st Ismael Mury


2nd Steve Roberts   3rd Bernie Wilcox
Longest Drive Steve Hazlehurst Nearest The Pin Tim Hadithi The Prizes Best Guest John Rees John Warburton, David Rundle and Graham Hulme
 Alberts White and Bernie Wilcox Twos Tim Ainsworth Twos David Rundle Twos Tim Hadithi 070426 Talking Tactics
A gaggle of golfers Albert White, Paul Deakins and Wayne Buckley Trolleys at the ready John Rees and Steve Roberts Mike Antrobus taking five
 Chris Barber    Alan Sutton    Albert White    Bernie Wilcox     Brian Dutton   David Phillips David Rundle D O'Donoghue Graham Hulme Ismael Mury
John Rees     John Warburton Mike Antrobus  Paul Deakins Peter Christie P Vickerman Steve Hazlehurst Ted Furmston
Terry Murphy Tim Hadithi    Tom O'Donoghue Tim Ainsworth   Wayne Buckley
